
About Us

What is Ihsaan?

A.I.P.S – Al-Ihsaan Private School, gets its name from the remarkable quality of Ihsaan. Ihsaan is the state of awareness, perfection and excellence that one will potentially exert if one is seeing God Almighty, directly. 

In Islam, we have a clear conception of why we were created, what constitutes righteous living, and what happens after death. Moreover, Islam is not simply a set of rules and beliefs, but also contains the seeds of constant self-improvement.

We are to seek ihsaan in every aspect of our lives to the point that our individual will and the eternal Will of the Creator becomes perfectly aligned. This is known to us as the station of Iḥsaan, excellence of every type, the very peak of the spiritual, emotional, physical, mental and moral mountain. 

Gabriel said, “Tell me about ihsaan.” The Prophet ﷺ said:”Ihsaan (Excellence) is to worship Allah as if you see Him, for though you do not see Him, He surely sees you.” (Al-Bukhari)

We Believe

We believe that each child is a mine of gold, yearning to be polished, full of great leadership potential, aspiring to find their unique path.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create Ihsaan within ourselves and learners alike.

Our Mission

Our mission is to offer holistic learning through academic, Islamic & co-curricular educational excellence.

Our Aim

Our aim is to provide education and meaningful experiences that nurture holistic development. That are challenging and fun, balancing Islamic and secular excellence, developing spiritual capacities and strong ethos whilst realising the individual potential of each learner.


We launched AIPS with a humble beginning of only one class on September 7th, 2015; Infants level 1. Thereafter, we progressively added a new class each year, till this year (Sept 2020) we have started Standard Four.